At Mawnan School our teachers assess the children's progress in line with the curriculum expectations for their year group. Our focus is very much on identifying the next steps in children's learning and using this to plan a personalised curriculum which enables all children to achieve all aspects of the curriculum in line with age related expectations .
At various times in the year, all year groups from Year 1 to Year 6 undertake more formal assessments in Reading, Writing, Grammar and Spelling and Mathematics. These assessments enable the teachers to identify learning gaps as well as show individual progress within the subjects. An individual standardised score gives an indication of how well each pupil is achieving against their age related expectations
When we report this information to parents/carers we shall use terms which indicate where children are in relation to their OWN year group expectations (see table below). We ensure we provide every opportunity for children to broaden and deepen learning in the curriculum for their own year group rather than move them on to a different set of expectations.
BLW= Working Significantly Below Standard |
WTS= Working Towards Standard |
EXS=Expected Standard | GDS = Greater Depth Standard |
In our Early Years Foundation Stage, teachers gather evidence to support their assessments using Tapestry. Please speak to your child's class teacher for further information and to gain access to your child's learning journey.
Statutory Assessments
Whilst the data in the documents gives a picture of attainment at the end of each year, as a small school with relatively small numbers of pupils taking the statutory tests, these percentages need to be read advisedly. For a more comprehensive view of learning, progress and attainment in our school, we would advise that a visit to our school will demonstrate our culture of achievement, personalised learning and challenge for all.
The Year 1 phonics screening check is not a formal test, but a way for our teachers to ensure that children are making sufficient progress with their phonics skills to read words and that they are on track to become fluent readers who can enjoy reading for pleasure and for learning.
The phonics screening check for current year 1's should take place June. More information can be found in this video.
The Year 4 Times Tables Check, known by the government and schools as the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check, is an annual check that Year 4s in England have a good level of times tables knowledge. Each child’s results will be known to the school and the government will have a national picture.
The Year 4 Times Tables Test is an online test with 25 questions; children must answer each question within a 6 seconds time limit so the whole test will take less than 5 minutes. More information can be found in this video: