Mawnan CE VA Primary School is currently full in all year groups. If you'd like to be added to our waiting list, please contact Primary Admissions at

Fusion Class

Welcome to Fusion Class! 


Fusion Class is a mixed age class with both year 4 and year 5 children. Mrs Davies and Mrs Luscombe are the class teachers with the support of Mrs Hughes (Monday-Thursday), Mrs Moon (Friday) and Mrs Alexander (maths lessons only).

Autumn 1

Welcome back to the Autumn term! This half term's exciting expedition is Natural Disasters, please read the expedition overview below. You can also see this half term's homework grid and spellings. If your child has personalised spellings, these will be sent directly to you.

Autumn 2

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term break. Our new expedition for Autumn 2 is all about the Anglo-Saxons. Please read the expedition overview below. You can also see this half term's homework grid and spellings. If your child has personalised spellings, these will be sent directly to you.

Spring 1 

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Our new expedition for Spring 1 is all about Space.  Please read the expedition overview below. You can also see this half term's homework grid and spellings. If your child has personalised spellings, these will be sent directly to you.

Spring 2

We hope you all had a wonderful half term break! Our new expedition for Spring 2 is Electrical Inventions. Please read the expedition overview below. You can also see this half term's homework grid and spellings. If your child has personalised spellings, these will be sent directly to you.