Government guidance came into force on 1 July 2015 called Prevent Duty. Schools responsibility to follow this duty is set out in the following paragraph taken from the DFE website:

In order for schools and childcare providers to fulfil the Prevent duty, it is essential that staff are able to identify children who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, and know what to do when they are identified. Protecting children from the risk of radicalisation should be seen as part of schools’ and childcare providers’ wider safeguarding duties, and is similar in nature to protecting children from other harms (e.g. drugs, gangs, neglect, sexual exploitation), whether these come from within their family or are the product of outside influences.


Mawnan C of E VA Primary School recognises its responsibility to support the aims of the Government strategy to promote those values identified as British and educate children to be resilient to radicalisation and extremism of all kinds.

We are an inclusive school and we encourage the open debate of controversial subjects to develop the children’s understanding and to support children in developing a healthy sense of self and their relationship with and responsibility towards the wider world

In support of the ‘Prevent Duty’ we have our clear school vision and values and make significant links to 'British Values' (see our school- vision and values for more information). 

These values help children to develop their compassion for others in their choice of the words and actions that they use. They support them in taking responsibility for their role in developing a fair and equal society.

Signs of Vulnerability
There are no known definitive indicators that a young person is vulnerable to radicalisation, but there are a number of signs that together increase the risk. Signs of vulnerability include:
  • underachievement
  • being in possession of extremist literature
  • poverty
  • social exclusion
  • traumatic events
  • global or national events
  • religious conversion
  • change in behaviour
  • extremist influences
  • conflict with family over lifestyle
  • confused identify
  • victim or witness to race or hate crimes
  • rejection by peers, family, social groups or faith
Early indicators of radicalisation or extremism may include:
  • showing sympathy for extremist causes
  • glorifying violence, especially to other faiths or cultures
  • making remarks or comments about being at extremist events or rallies outside school
  • evidence of possessing illegal or extremist literature
  • advocating messages similar to illegal organisations or other extremist groups
  • out of character changes on dress, behaviour and peer relationships (but there are also very powerful narratives, programmes and networks that young people can come across online so involvement with particular groups may not be apparent)
  • secretive behaviour 
  • online searches or sharing extremist messages or social profiles 
  • intolerance of indifference, including faith, culture, gender, race or sexuality
  • graffiti, art work or writing that displays extremist messages or social profiles
  • attempts to impose extremist views or practices on others
  • verbalising anti-Western or anti- British views
  • advocating violence towards others
The role of the curriculum 
Our curriculum is “broad and balanced" and promotes respect, tolerance and diversity. Children are encouraged to share their views and recognise that they are entitled to have their own different beliefs which should not be used to influence others.
Our PSHE provision is embedded across the curriculum. It directs our assemblies and underpins the ethos of the school. It is recognised that children with low aspirations are more vulnerable to radicalisation and therefore we strive to equip our pupils with confidence, self-belief, respect and tolerance as well as setting high standards and expectations for themselves.
Children are regularly taught about how to stay safe when using the internet and are encouraged to recognise that people are not always who they say they are online. They are taught to seek adult help if they are upset or concerned about anything they read or see on the internet. The filtering systems in our school blocks inappropriate content, including extremist content
Staff Training 
Through staff training, we will ensure that our staff are fully aware of the threats, risks and vulnerabilities that are linked to radicalisation; are aware of the process of radicalisation and how this might be identified early on and are aware of how we can provide support as a school to ensure that our children are resilient and able to resist involvement in radical or extreme activities.